Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Reverse Art Truck Visit #2

I decided to visit Reverse Art Truck a second time as I felt that I couldnt experiment enough with the first lot of materials I found. Here is what I gathered the second time round...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fibonacci Number Project

The Fibonacci Number Project consisted of gathering inspiration from nature and designing a chair developed from the inspiration gathered. Working in pairs, supplied with 3 pieces of wire and whatever we could find, Jessie and I developed the chair below.

Submission B: Materials Report

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Reverse Art Truck

I imagined Reverse Art Truck to be alot bigger than it was, however they did have alot of stuff it got a bit confusing the more you walked through the more ideas jump to you. I narrowed it down to my 3 favourite which were, old leather belts, plastic body butter containers and plastic piping.

Campana Brothers Research

The Campana Brothers are famous for their use of reclaimed materials, they were first recognised after exhibitng their work at the Museum of Modern Arts. After their recognition at the museum the Campana brothers have become the most famous Brazilian furniture designers.