Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sketch Model

I decided to go with concpt 1, before I went on any further I wanted to make a model to see if the concept actually works physically. Below is 1:5 sketch model of concpet 1.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Reverse Art Truck Visit #2

I decided to visit Reverse Art Truck a second time as I felt that I couldnt experiment enough with the first lot of materials I found. Here is what I gathered the second time round...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fibonacci Number Project

The Fibonacci Number Project consisted of gathering inspiration from nature and designing a chair developed from the inspiration gathered. Working in pairs, supplied with 3 pieces of wire and whatever we could find, Jessie and I developed the chair below.

Submission B: Materials Report

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Reverse Art Truck

I imagined Reverse Art Truck to be alot bigger than it was, however they did have alot of stuff it got a bit confusing the more you walked through the more ideas jump to you. I narrowed it down to my 3 favourite which were, old leather belts, plastic body butter containers and plastic piping.